
Changed conditions for obtaining work permits in France
3 min. reading
Changed conditions for obtaining work permits in France

In France, there are new requirements for foreign specialists, strengthening control over their employment.

Tightening controls over real estate transactions for Turkish citizenship
4 min. reading
Tightening controls over real estate transactions for Turkish citizenship

The Capital Markets Board Association (SPK) has tightened controls in the real estate sector for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

EU introduced new entry/exit control system EES
4 min. reading
EU introduced new entry/exit control system EES

The European Union is introducing a new EES checkpoint system at the external borders of the Schengen area.

Turkey has refused to issue residence permits to tourists
3 min. reading
Turkey has refused to issue residence permits to tourists

The head of the Turkish government announced that the country will no longer issue residence permits to those who initially entered with a tourist visa. Now it is mandatory to apply for a residence permit or work visa at the Turkish embassy in your home country.

Portuguese passports will be valid for 10 years
3 min. reading
Portuguese passports will be valid for 10 years

New passports in Portugal will be issued for 10 years instead of 5. New passports and identification numbers will help secure citizens' documents and relieve them of bureaucratic burden.

Hungary Launches an Investment Residency Program
7 min. reading
Hungary Launches an Investment Residency Program

Last November, the Hungarian government announced the most unprecedented programme of granting residence permits for investments. Legally, it came into effect on 1 July 2024. The program grants the relocant a residence permit for 10 years.

Kazakhstan Begins Tourism Reform and Opens New Resorts
9 min. reading
Kazakhstan Begins Tourism Reform and Opens New Resorts

In the second decade of June, Tokayev held an extended meeting on tourism. He reminded that 2024 is named the year of tourism, emphasized the importance of the moment and the event.

3 Key Aspects for Applying for Citizenship by Descent
9 min. reading
3 Key Aspects for Applying for Citizenship by Descent

Documentary evidence of European roots allows citizens of various countries to claim permanent residency by descent.

Golden Visa of Hungary: What You Need to Know About Real Estate Funds
9 min. reading
Golden Visa of Hungary: What You Need to Know About Real Estate Funds

In the summer of 2024, Hungary will launch the GIP (Guest Investor Program) in its new edition, which was approved back in January, following the implementation of the migration platform. What can we expect from the new program?

Portugal: New Measures to Attract Foreign Talent
9 min. reading
Portugal: New Measures to Attract Foreign Talent

June 2024 was a landmark month for Portuguese immigrants. The government announced a comprehensive 41-point plan to develop the country by attracting foreigners.