Immigration in 2024

Statistics indicate that the number of people wishing to emigrate is not decreasing year by year. Between 2020 and 2024, the number of people who left their homeland is estimated to be in the millions. However, these figures cannot be considered accurate. Why? Simply because Rosstat does not count as emigrants those who live abroad de facto. Additionally, not everyone is willing to publicize their departure from the country.

The UN provides alternative statistics, showing that about 11 million compatriots live abroad. The main category of applicants for permanent residence in a foreign country consists of individuals with higher education.

Expert opinions

GR experts predict that in the next five years, the trend of leaving the country will show positive dynamics. The prospect of immigration will be particularly attractive for major taxpayers, doctors, specialists, IT industry professionals, journalists, and cultural figures.

Best Countries to Move to in 2024

The desire for a more prosperous life, access to quality education and healthcare, as well as the search for better conditions for entrepreneurial activities, are the main reasons why people decide to move abroad. One of the popular immigration destinations remains the EU. However, in most cases, legal residence in the countries of the Old World can be provided to relocants only through repatriation and naturalization programs.

In modern conditions, even these opportunities may be limited. Below is a table of the countries most preferred in terms of immigration.


Initially, the country's authorities issue a residence permit to the relocant, and after 3 years of continuous residence in Hungary, they have the right to apply for permanent residence with an indefinite term (this rule does not apply to digital nomads and students).

Citizenship is granted after 8 years of continuous residence (3 years with a permanent residency status and 5 years with a permanent settlement status). Becoming a citizen of Hungary is possible within 3 months if you utilize the repatriation program.

Status of the issued document: passport.

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The passport is issued to holders of a permanent resident card. Relocants with a residence permit can apply documents for permanent residence after 5 years of residence in Greece.

A residence permit is issued to employed workers, students, investors, and individuals wishing to reunite with their families. Citizenship through naturalization is granted after 7 years of residence in the country. For stateless persons and refugees, this period is reduced to 5 years.

Status of the issued document: passport.

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The status of a resident is granted after 5 years of continuous residence in the country. Additionally, the relocatee will have to pass a language proficiency exam (German, French, or Dutch – to chooose from, with a qualification level of no less than A2).

It is also necessary to confirm the fact of social integration (training courses, employment contract) and contribution to the development of the national economy (tax declaration or a statement that the applicant has worked for at least 468 days over a period of 5 years).

Status of the issued document: passport.

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The authorities of the country issue passports to applicants who have lived in the Netherlands for at least 5 years.

The mandatory requirement for a relocant is the absence of a criminal record and proficiency in the Dutch language (qualification level - at least A2).

Status of the issued document: passport.

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The residence requirement for those who want to obtain a "French" passport is 5 years. Knowledge of the national language at the B1 level, a permanent source of income, and timely payment of taxes are mandatory requirements for applicants for citizenship.

Applicants who have served in a foreign legion can obtain their passport expedited (document issued within 3 years), as well as those who have made a significant contribution to science, economics, or sports (resident status processed within 2 years).

Status of the issued document: passport.

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In order to obtain the status of a resident, it is necessary to have lived in the country for 5 years. No criminal record, no tax debts, no knowledge of the Portuguese language are mandatory requirements for applicants for citizenship.

If there are family ties, the period of registration of the resident status is reduced to 2 years.

Status of the issued document: passport.

Official website

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Every country provides individual conditions for obtaining citizenship. However, there are universal methods that Russian citizens can use to claim residency status in another country. These include:

  • Naturalization
  • Repatriation
  • Marriage to a foreigner
  • "Right of soil"
  • Investment in the national economy

Citizenship in Europe through marriage

Marriage to a foreigner from the EU allows the relocant to apply for citizenship of a European country. But the documents for the resident status can be submitted after a certain period of time after the marriage registration. Migration services are obliged to make sure that the spouses really have a joint household, and their legalized relationship is not fictitious. They check the hobbies, mutual interests of the spouses, their awareness of each other's biography. Read more about the possibility of acquiring a second citizenship through marriage here.


If during inspection officials determine that the husband and wife are merely creating the appearance of a family, the marriage will be annulled.

Citizenship of the EU through DNA test

This opportunity is legislatively guaranteed for all Eurozone countries starting from July 1, 2022. Russians will need to documentarily confirm the existence of family ties within the Old World (it's sufficient for a DNA test to show at least 20% gene similarity).


Each EU member state sets individual conditions regarding the degree of relationship of the relocant.

For example, authorities in Cyprus and Denmark issue passports "by descent" only if there are first-generation relatives (parents). In Bulgaria and Germany, passports are issued if the applicant proves blood relation to "close" relatives up to the third generation (great-grandparents). Details on acquiring citizenship based on ancestry can be found here.

Citizenship by roots

A relocatee must prove the presence of ethnic roots in the country to which they plan to immigrate. In matters of obtaining citizenship on the mentioned basis, a DNA test can be considered as additional evidence of family ties abroad. However, laboratory analysis alone will not be sufficient, alternative documents will be required for obtaining citizenship by repatriation:

  • Archival certificates and extracts;
  • Baptismal certificates;
  • Household books;
  • Marriage certificates (paternity establishment, adoption, name change, etc.).

When intending to obtain a passport in the EU, it is necessary to remember the restrictions on the degree of kinship mentioned in the previous section.

Citizenship by investment

Foreign states are ready to issue passports in a simplified format to those who plan to invest personal capital in the national economy or federal-level projects. However, in modern conditions, the number of such offers from Old World countries for Russian investors has decreased. Below is a table of countries where investment programs for compatriots are in effect.


Citizenship is granted after 5 years of residence on the island. The amount of investment required is 300,000 euros. The money can be invested in real estate, investment funds, or your own business project.

Status of the issued document: passport.

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Citizenship is granted after 5 years of residence on the island. The amount of investment required is 300,000 euros. The money can be invested in real estate, investment funds, or your own business project.

Status of the issued document: passport.

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North Macedonia

Citizenship is granted on the condition of investing in local business structures (€200,000). An alternative option is to invest funds in one's own company with at least 10 employees (€400,000).

Status of the issued document: passport.

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Dominican Republic

Resident status is granted to those who are ready to make a non-refundable contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund (from $100,000). An alternative option is to invest at least $200,000 in real estate.

Status of the issued document: passport.

Official website

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Saint Lucia

Citizenship is granted on the condition of investing $100,000 in government projects (healthcare, education, energy, etc.). Alternative options include purchasing real estate (minimum transaction amount is $200,000) or government company securities (amounting to $300,000).

Status of the issued document: passport.

Official website

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