Residence Permit of Turkey

A Turkish residence permit allows individuals to reside in the country for more than 3 months and visit Northern Cyprus without needing an additional entry visa. Recently, the Turkish authorities made changes to their immigration policy, significantly complicating the process of obtaining a residence permit and removing several grounds for granting this status.

Types of Residence Permits

There are several types of residence permits, or Ikamet, available to foreign citizens:

  • Short-term: Granted to property owners, individuals who come to the country for medical treatment, to conduct business activities, or for tourism purposes.
  • Family: Intended for individuals who marry a citizen of the country or for family reunification.
  • Student: Aimed at foreign citizens who come to Turkey for secondary or higher education.
  • Long-term: Designed for foreign citizens who have legally resided in Turkey for more than 8 years.
  • Humanitarian and for victims of human trafficking: Designed for foreign citizens who, for various reasons, can no longer reside in their home country or have become victims of human trafficking.

The duration and conditions for obtaining each type of temporary residence permit vary.

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