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In this section, we have prepared a lot of useful materials. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the latest changes in the field of relocation and migration policies of countries around the world, as well as guides, comparisons, selections, and the most relevant news. Extremely useful for those who want to learn something new about a country of interest. And for those who have not yet found a place that meets all their requirements.
Attractive destinations based on an analysis of the state of the labor market, the price index and key trends.
More than 70,000 immigrants move to Italy every year. This fact clearly indicates the attractiveness of the country.
In which countries the child automatically receives citizenship upon birth. Conditions for registration and registration of a newborn abroad.
The document is mandatory for all foreign citizens residing or operating in the Republic.
What does the modern pension system in Italy look like, conditions for receiving a pension for citizens and foreign residents.
Countries where you can immigrate without any fear in 2024.
A ranking of countries with the best privileges for citizens, but with extremely difficult conditions for obtaining a national passport. Requirements and opportunities for preferential treatment.
The Global Relocate team conducted an in-depth study of the situation and demand and found out where Russians most often buy housing in 2024.
If you would like to live in Turkey, read this article. There we told you what it takes to get permanent residence or citizenship in the country, and also estimated the average salaries and living expenses.
In a Mediterranean country, since 2015, there has been a Permanent Residence program for investors. In 2021, amendments and additions were made to the law. Passports are issued after 1-3 years of naturalization, making direct investments, and passing a reliability check.
In 2023, the authorities announced a pilot visa project called K-Culture. The Ministry of Finance plans to launch it by the end of the current year. The initiative is of interest to young people who are passionate about the entertainment industry, particularly tourists from Southeast Asia.
Maternity tourism is actively developing in Russia. Women in the 3rd and 4th semesters of pregnancy fly to give birth across the ocean and to Europe. Russian women are attracted by the conditions in perinatal centers and hospitals, the level of obstetric care, and living comfort. Childbirth abroad also gives a chance to get a birth affiliation.
In today's reality, for people considering moving abroad, the choice of methods is limited. Some countries have introduced a ban on crossing national borders, while others have tightened the requirements for drawing up documents. A talent visa allows you not only to stay abroad legally, but also to count on permanent residence in the host country.
In 2024, interest in obtaining passports of EU countries remains consistently high. The opportunity to travel, study, work, and conduct business within the European Union without navigating through numerous bureaucratic procedures is a dream for many Russians.
European passports are issued, including based on a DNA test proving a blood relationship with a relative who is a citizen. For example, if the applicant's grandmother is a citizen of the country and her grandchild is trying to obtain a passport through kinship, but there are not enough supporting documents, a DNA test can be requested.
Few people know that it is possible to become a European passport holder through family connections, naturalisation or registration of a relationship with a foreigner. After marriage or cohabitation, the spouse is granted residence permit and later citizenship.
A huge number of Russians are considering the prospect of immigrating to EU countries. Studying at the best universities, working in prestigious companies, developing start-ups and at the same time applying for a passport - such an opportunity is available to holders of residence permits in European countries.
Many Russians are considering Latin American countries for immigration. Here, banks open accounts and issue cards to foreign citizens and companies (persona fisica/persona moral) on comfortable terms.
The Italian authorities do not formally prohibit remote employees from providing services to local companies.
The Spanish Nomad Visa allows you to do what you love in a country with a warm climate and a European standard of living.
Permits are equivalent to a residence permit. They are issued for 1-3 years without reference to the amount of earnings if they meet the eligibility criteria.
Freelancers were given a "White card" for 1 year. At the end, it can be extended for the same period.
A visa project for those who want to live in a cultured, sparsely populated country on the Adriatic coast.
The relocation program allows you to move to the Portuguese state together with family members.
The status allows you to receive medical care under insurance, teach children in public schools for free, and not pay taxes.
A beautiful country with developed infrastructure and friendly people. Everything you need to know about the Croatian Digital Nomad Visa