How to Obtain Citizenship in 2025 by Having a Child

Maternity tourism is actively developing in Russia. Women at 3-4 months of pregnancy fly abroad to give birth in places like the United States and Europe. They are attracted by conditions in perinatal centers and hospitals, the level of obstetric care, and domestic comfort. Giving birth abroad also offers a chance to obtain birthright citizenship (jus sanguinis). "Anchor babies" help parents secure permanent residency and potentially citizenship after a short period of naturalization.

For those who can't afford clinics in Miami or New York, Latin America or Portugal are alternative destinations. An overview of immigration laws will guide where it's best to give birth in 2024 and how to obtain dual citizenship.

Ekaterina Kuzmina
Author of Global Relocate

Окончила факультет иностранных языков в глобальных коммуникациях в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете. С 2023 года работает в компании Global Relocate как специалист по визовым аспектам для граждан России и Беларуси.

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