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Digital Nomad Visa to Italy

The relocation program for freelancers in Italy began to be implemented in practice in April 2024. The local government refers to remote employees as those who are highly qualified specialists and perform their official duties through telecommunications equipment. Persons who provide services privately (self-employed, sole proprietors) can also request permission to enter the European state.

So far, the Italian legislation governing the procedure for obtaining a Nomad visa is not without gaps and needs to be finalized. Additional regulations are required on issues related to taxation and the deadline for issuing an entry permit to the Apennine Peninsula.

Let's consider the nuances of obtaining a Nomad visa to Italy in more detail.

Features of Digital Nomad Visa for Italy

The visa issued to freelancers to cross the Italian border belongs to category D. It allows you to obtain the status of a temporary resident for a period of 1 year.

But the residence permit is subject to prolongation. After 5 years of stay in the country, a resident has the right to request permanent residence, and after another 5 years – to obtain an Italian passport. The procedure for granting a Nomad visa is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 02/29/2024.

The right to extend the status of a temporary resident is enjoyed by those who stay in the territory of a European state for at least 6 months a year. The availability of housing in Italy is a prerequisite for the issuance of an entry permit. It can be either removable or its own.

  The average cost of renting a house per month from 2015 to 2023
  The average cost of renting a house per month from 2015 to 2023

While exploring the opportunities provided by Digital Nomad Visa, do not forget about the existence of other visa programs in Italy. They are able to provide a long-term legal stay, open up opportunities for employment and commercial activities. We have collected important information and developed a detailed guide on the types of Italian visas so that you can choose the best option.  

What is the difference from a regular residence permit

Unlike other relocation programs that operate in the European Union, the Italian authorities do not formally prohibit remote employees from providing services to local companies. In other words, this category of applicants can cooperate with both an Italian and a foreign employer.

Another distinctive feature of the relocation program is that an applicant for a Digital Nomad visa does not need to obtain a "Nulla osta" (work permit). For foreigners who come to work in Italy from countries outside the EU, the presence of the above document is mandatory.


The Italian authorities have provided for a special tax regime for the self-employed – "Regime forfettario". It provides an opportunity for those who earn less than 85,000 € annually to transfer a single tax to the budget at a rate of 5 %. The fiscal fee replaces VAT and personal income tax ("IRPEF"). At the end of the grace period, which lasts five years, the payment rate increases to 15 %. Only tax residents can count on special conditions.

If a digital nomad earns more than 85,000 €, his profit will be taxed at 43 %. When choosing the standard format of the tax burden, the burden will depend on the amount of income received for the year. The progressive scale provides for the following personal income tax rates:

  • 23 % (no more than 28,000 €);
  • 35 % (from 28,001 to 50,000 €);
  • 43 % (over 50,000 €). 

The amount of contributions to the social fund ("INPS") is determined at a rate of 26 % of the amount of earnings.


The self-employed, who are in the status of tax non-residents, make payments to the budget only from the profit received on the territory of the Italian state. 

Digital nomads are required to declare their income by September 30. The reporting form can be downloaded on the website of the tax office.

Remote workers who live on the Apennine Peninsula most of the year can reduce the fiscal burden by offsetting by 30 %.

Conditions for obtaining a freelancer visa

A candidate for participation in the relocation program must meet the following requirements:

  • age – from 18 years; 
  • work experience in remote mode – at least 6 months (if you have a diploma – from 3 years); 
  • citizenship – outside the EU and the UES; 
  • availability of a university graduation document (for highly qualified professionals); 
  • annual income of at least 24,708 €.

To confirm the financial viability, the freelancer must provide a bank statement for the last quarter (or a certificate of the balance on the deposit). A contract with the employer will also be required, which proves that the applicant receives an appropriate salary (set within the framework of collective agreements).

Additionally, the company cooperating with the remoter is obliged to provide a guarantee that he has not violated the norms of migration legislation in the past.

Another mandatory requirement for an applicant for a visa permit is the availability of housing in the territory of the Italian state. The property can be rented or acquired as personal property.

Moving with your family

An expat cannot include relatives in the application for a Digital Nomad visa. At the initial stage, he must cross the border of a European state alone, issue a residence permit and only then apply for possible immigration for family members. They will be able to move to Italy on general grounds, for example, on a guest visa.

A self-employed person has the right to invite only his spouse and minor children to a new place of residence. The procedure can be initiated while in Italy. To do this, contact the questura (police department).

Required documents

To apply for a freelancer visa, the applicant must submit:

  • passport;
  • visa application form;
  • digital photos (2 copies);
  • employment agreement;
  • diploma;
  • bank statement on the availability of financial resources sufficient to live in Italy (at least 24,708 €);
  • letter of guarantee from the employer confirming the absence of violations of the norms of migration legislation;
  • portfolio, letters of recommendation from customers, service agreements, certificates of work performed (for the self-employed);
  • a housing rental agreement;a medical insurance agreement (the minimum amount of coverage is 30,000€); 
  • a receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

The collected references and letters must be translated into Italian.

Step-by-step action plan

The procedure for obtaining a visa permit includes the following steps:

Collection of necessary documents

Bank statements, certificates and contracts should be prepared in advance. To reduce the likelihood of visa refusal, check with the staff of the EC or representatives of the consular institution for the exact list of documentation.

Housing Leases

It is necessary to choose a property in Italy in advance. At the initial stage, it is enough to rent an apartment for a short period, using specialized services. But in addition, you will need to write a letter of intent to rent a house for a long time (after obtaining a residence permit).

Submission of the application

At this stage, the expat makes an appointment with representatives of the Italian diplomatic department or an accredited EC. The visa application form can be downloaded online on the website of the Consulate or Visa Application Center. Previously collected certificates and contracts should be attached to the completed application. They are downloaded remotely or personally brought to the consulate (VC). In the process of reviewing the questionnaire, the staff of the diplomatic mission has the right to invite a freelancer for an interview. 

Waiting for a decision

If, as a result of checking all the information, the consuls did not find violations, and they also received comprehensive answers to the questions asked during the interview, then the freelancer is granted a Digital Nomad visa.

The standard deadline for making a decision on a candidate now does not exceed 40 days. The amount of the consular fee for issuing a visa permit is 116 €.

The consulate may also reject the application of a digital nomad on formal grounds. For example, the consul may indicate in a letter that "You have not provided reliable information about the purpose of your stay in Italy."

When the applicant considers the refusal of entry to the Apennine Peninsula to be unjustified, he has the right to protest it. The appeal is submitted to the consular institution (no later than 10 days from the date of rejection of the application). If, as a result of reviewing the complaint, the freelancer is refused again, there is a possibility of reconsidering it. But this protest, which is filed within 60 days, will be considered already in the Italian court ("Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale").

What should I do after getting a visa?

Migration legislation obliges the holder of a Nomad visa to request a residence permit no later than 8 days after crossing the border of the Italian state. A plastic card confirming the status of a resident ("Permesso di soggiorno") is issued by the Police Department no later than 20 days. A fee of 14,62 € is charged for processing the application.

To register a residence in the commune, a freelancer will need a "Carta d'identita" (Identity Card). It is issued only subject to the availability of housing. The card is considered an internal passport and is valid for 10 years.

Additionally, you must request a "Codice Fiscale". Without it, you will not be able to rent a house for a long time and open an account with a local bank. "Codice Fiscale" can be obtained from the Police Department or the Tax Office.

Self-employed people earning over 65,000 € annually, as well as representatives of creative professions, are required to obtain a special value-added tax payer number.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

Digital nomads move to live and work in Italy for the following reasons:

  • the possibility of visa-free visits to EU countries; 
  • the prospect of obtaining a passport of a European country; 
  • the availability of tax benefits when doing business; 
  • no need to request a work permit ("Nulla osta"); 
  • the right to family reunification; access to quality medicine and education.

The disadvantages of the relocation program are reduced to the imperfection of legislation regulating the procedure for granting a Nomad visa. The number of entry permits for freelancers is limited by quotas, which are published at the beginning of each year. And there have already been cases when they ended in March. Against this background, difficulties arise with obtaining a visa.

If we analyze the relocation programs of Italy, Germany and Spain, they are largely identical. But in Spain, for example, there is a ban on dual citizenship. And in Germany, there are no strict requirements for the income level of a freelancer.

Italy is still in the stage of developing a "digital environment", so it does not occupy a leading position in the list of countries with attractive conditions for those who work remotely. But in this regard, she has great prospects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Italian health insurance cost?

The cost of medical insurance in Italy depends on the type of policy chosen and the individual circumstances of the insured person. On average, private health insurance costs from 100 to 500euros. Travel insurance costs from 5-6€. When choosing an insurance company, it is recommended to choose options with a coverage amount of at least 30,000€. This will help cover emergency medical expenses, hospitalization expenses and possible transportation.

How much do engineers get paid?

The salaries of engineers in Italy vary depending on the specialization, experience and region of work. Novice engineers usually earn between €25,000 and €35,000 per year. Specialists with 3-5 years of experience will have an income of 45,000-50,000euros per year. An experienced specialist (more than 5 years of experience) He can earn 50,000-70,000euros per year.

What is the average pension in Italy?

The average pension in Italy is about 1,200euros per month. However, this amount depends on the length of work experience, the amount of contributions to the pension system and the region of residence. The minimum pension is 780€ per month. More information about the Italian pension system can be found on our blog.

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I wonder if a freelancer visa can be turned into another type of permit for a longer stay?

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Dmitry Polyakov, At the moment there is no such possibility. The Italian Digital Nomad Visa is not transferred to other types of residence permit/permanent residence. We can help you develop a strategy for obtaining legal status and apply for a long-term residence permit. To do this, you need to fulfill a number of conditions. Leave a request on the website for a personal consultation.

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If, while already in Italy on a nomad visa, I change the employer for whom I worked remotely, do I need to somehow inform the authorities about this?

Idir Mahlangu, No, digital nomads and remote workers can change employers or clients without restrictions and there is no need to additionally report this.

Hello everyone)) What is the difference between digital nomads and remote workers? How do I identify myself if I work as a freelancer?

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Lilia Tabatadze, Hello! Digital nomads are defined as freelancers who use Internet technologies to work from anywhere in the world, while remote workers are employees who have an employment contract with an organization and who perform their duties remotely. Both categories are allowed to enter and work in Italy in excess of annual quotas.

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I freelance video editing, earn income from various clients and agencies, and want to travel to Italy on a Digital Nomad Visa. But here's the question. In general, I earn more than is required to confirm a minimum income, but not consistently. Several times more in one month, and almost nothing in the other. Does it matter when applying?

Jolanda Itten, When making an application, the history of annual income will be relevant. I think if the average income is at least 2,700€, then you can apply. Or you will have to prove that you have savings in your account.