Citizenship in European Countries through Marriage

Few people know that obtaining a European passport can be achieved through family ties, naturalization, or registering a relationship with a foreigner. After marriage or cohabitation, the spouse is granted a residence permit and later citizenship. The time required to obtain citizenship depends on the immigration policy of the country. For example, Swiss law requires couples to live together for 6 years, French law for 4 years, German and Greek laws for 3 years, and Italian and Spanish laws for 2 years.

Thomas Legran
Author of Global Relocate
Thomas Legran
Text author
Thomas Legran

После окончания лицея в Лионе, поступил в университет Тулуза (Toulouse Capitole University), где изучал международное право. Моя специализация это визовое сопровождение и международное миграционное право.

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