Residence Permit of Italy

Italy attracts foreigners not only with its beautiful views but also with its high standard of living. Every year, the country ranks at the top of economic development indices. Russians are eagerly moving to this European state. The path to obtaining an Italian passport begins with securing a residence permit. The visa provides certain advantages:

  • Free movement within the Schengen area
  • Access to medical insurance
  • Bank loans at favorable rates
  • Education for children in kindergartens and schools
  • Running your own business

Temporary residency allows a foreigner to gain a legal status that permits living, studying, and working in the Republic.

Student residence permits

Italian education is considered one of the highest quality and progressive. Young people who move to the state for further education should collect documents in advance. The student must provide a certificate of admission to the university and confirm the availability of funds for accommodation. The extension of such a residence permit is possible provided that you successfully pass the exams and move on to the next course.

A student visa entitles you to part-time employment. After graduation and the validity of the residence permit, the former student can stay to find a job in Italy.

Free assistance
Expert Consultation
We will help you choose the appropriate migration program. We will inform you of all current requirements and answer all your questions about the selected options.
The program of the country that interests clients is not always suitable for them due to requirements, restrictions, or taxes. We help choose the best option!
Complete support
Get a residence permit to study in Italy
We'll help you get a residence permit for studying in Italy. We'll select university programs, prepare documents for admission, issue a visa, a tax number and a bank account.
Our experts will take care of all organizational issues. Once approved, we will prepare and execute the necessary documents for your entire family.

Residence permit for financially independent (freelance residence permit, digital nomad)

Wealthy foreigners and freelancers can apply for an Italian residence permit if they can confirm that they receive a stable income from a legal source, have housing, financial security and medical insurance for themselves and their family. The opening of such a visa will take from 2 to 3 months. The document is valid for one year with the possibility of extension for the same period.

Don't you want to face the difficulties of Italy's migration system? Trust the experts from Global Relocate. We will help you choose the optimal program for obtaining a residence permit, including an Italian digital nomad visa. Experience and knowledge of the law will help to avoid mistakes and speed up the process of obtaining a permit. The program is active and allows Russians to obtain a permit even in conditions of a tightened visa policy.

Free assistance
Expert Consultation
We will help you choose the appropriate migration program. We will inform you of all current requirements and answer all your questions about the selected options.
The program of the country that interests clients is not always suitable for them due to requirements, restrictions, or taxes. We help choose the best option!
Complete support
Digital Nomad visa in Italy
We'll help you get a digital nomad visa in Italy for up to 5 months. To get started, you only need your employment contract, bank statement and criminal record information.
Our experts will take care of all organizational issues. Once approved, we will prepare and execute the necessary documents for your entire family.
The average monthly salary in Euros from 2015 to 2023
The average monthly salary in Euros from 2015 to 2023
Thomas Legran
Author of Global Relocate
Thomas Legran
Text author
Thomas Legran

После окончания лицея в Лионе, поступил в университет Тулуза (Toulouse Capitole University), где изучал международное право. Моя специализация это визовое сопровождение и международное миграционное право.

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