France (officially known as the French Republic) is a transcontinental country. Its main part is located in Western Europe, although some regions are situated in other corners of the world. The Republic's total area, including overseas territories, is 674,685 square kilometers. The country shares borders with the United Kingdom, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium.
Its territory is washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the North Sea and the English Channel. The predominant landscape is plains, while significant mountain ranges include the Alps, Pyrenees, Jura, Ardennes, Massif Central, and Vosges.
France is a unitary presidential republic. The currency is the euro, and the official language is French. The country is divided into 18 regions, with 12 located on the mainland and 6 separate from the main part. These are Corsica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Réunion, and Mayotte. Regions consist of departments and the Metropolitan Territory of Livonia. The latter includes districts and cantons, which are divided into 36,682 communes.
As a developed country with a rich culture and a high standard of living, France provides its inhabitants with certain advantages.
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