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Kingdom of Belgium

11.4 million
30,518 km2
Arabic, French,

Belgium has three official languages: German, French, and Dutch. In this country, where a federal parliamentary democracy intersects with a constitutional monarchy, one of the highest taxes on income and social contributions is imposed.

The country is located in the very center of Europe. Largely due to this fact, the headquarters of the European Union and NATO are located in Brussels.

Belgium is considered one of the most progressive countries. The country was one of the first to legalize euthanasia and same-sex marriage. Additionally, every adult citizen has the right to carry up to 3 grams of cannabis.

Happiness level
Happiness level

In terms of happiness, Belgium ranks 17 out of 136 countries in the World Happiness Report 2025. The indicator takes into account GDP per capita, life expectancy, sense of security, and public opinion survey results from residents of the countries.

Health index
Health index

Based on the Numbeo Health Index derived from user experience. In the 2025 ranking, Belgium is in 15 place according to this indicator among 94 countries. The index evaluates the quality, cost, accessibility of medical services, and the level of staff qualifications.

The cleanest air
The cleanest air

Air cleanliness reflects the environmental situation in the region. This factor is crucial. Belgium is ranked 35 among 125 countries based on the results of 2025.

Security of countries
Security of countries

The indicator is calculated based on the country safety rating from the Numbeo service. Belgium ranks 88 out of 146 in terms of safety according to a survey of real travelers who visited the country in 2025.

Life expectancy 81.9 years
Life expectancy

Belgium ranks 24 out of 235 countries in the world for life expectancy. This is a crucial indicator that has been evaluated by the United Nations since 1980.

Level of human freedom
Level of human freedom

Belgium ranks 21 out of 164 countries in the Human Freedom Index 2025 by the American Cato Institute and the Canadian Fraser Institute. The ranking evaluates personal, civil, and economic freedom in different countries based on 86 indicators.

The cost of living 63.7 USD
The cost of living

The cost of living assessment in Belgium, according to the Numbeo Index 2025, includes not only the cost of groceries, restaurants, and housing rent but also the purchasing power index. The indicator is conditional, as it is most often directly related to the income level of the population.

Unemployment rate 5.6 percent
Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate and the assessment of Belgium according to this indicator are based on data from the International Labour Organization from 2025. According to this indicator, the country ranks 90 out of 186 countries in the world.

Level of social progress
Level of social progress

The Social Progress Index assesses countries' achievements across 50 different indicators, and Belgium ranks 16 out of 168 countries in this rating for the year 2025.

Quality of citizenship
Quality of citizenship

The Citizenship Quality Ranking considers freedom of movement, human development index, GDP indicators, and openness to residency. Belgium ranks 13 out of 201 countries based on these criteria as of 2025.

Literacy rate
Literacy rate

Literacy rate directly influences the development of any country. Therefore, this indicator provides an understanding of the average level of education among citizens. Belgium ranks 22 out of 178 in terms of literacy rate.

Internet speed 76.52 Mbps
Internet speed

Internet speed indicates the level of technological development in the country, accessibility of information, and service quality. Belgium ranks 35 in the list of countries based on this indicator.

Mobile data price 2.23 USD
Mobile data price

The cost of mobile internet reflects its accessibility. When considering this indicator alongside internet speed, we can judge the quality of access to information. In 2025, Belgium ranks 165 out of 236 in this regard.

English proficiency level
English proficiency level

An indicator that gives an understanding of how comfortable you will feel in a country if you are unfamiliar with the local language but proficient in English. According to this indicator, Belgium ranks 7 in the world.

Belgium's symbol is the Manneken Pis, but this has nothing to do with the fact that more than 1,000 varieties of beer are produced here, and each resident drinks an average of 150 liters of this beverage per year.

Belgian chocolate is famous worldwide. Belgium has the highest number of castles per square kilometer. At night, 99.9% of the roads are illuminated. In Antwerp, the second most important city, is located the world's largest diamond exchange.

Belgium is a country located in Western Europe. Its capital, Brussels, is also the administrative center of the European Union and NATO. Belgium borders France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg, and its coastline is washed by the North Sea. The country is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and diverse landscape.

Belgium has a total area of 30,528 km² and a population of 11,592,952 as of January 2023. It is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. The economy is characterized by a high level of development, an industrial base, and a high standard of living. Belgium is a member of the European Union and NATO and actively participates in international relations as a member of the United Nations.

As a member of the European Union, Belgium is part of the Schengen Agreement, which establishes freedom of movement for citizens of participating countries. Belgium joined the Schengen Area in 1995.

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Climate Conditions

Belgium is situated in a temperate climate zone, characterized by mild winters and cool summers.

The Belgian landscape mainly consists of low-lying plains with fertile soils, promoting agricultural development. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year but increases during the winter months. The average temperature in winter is +3°C, and in summer, it is +16°C.

Temperature variations between day and night differ depending on the season but generally remain moderate. Belgium is not a seismically active zone, with earthquakes being rare and usually very weak (below 3 on the Richter scale).

The climate is favorable for agriculture, including the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and grains, which contributes to the country's diverse culinary traditions.


Belgium's demographic picture is characterized by a diversity of nationalities and cultural groups. As of early 2023, the population was nearly 11.6 million people. Women make up 50.8% of the population, and men 49.2%. The average life expectancy is 81.9 years, and the median age is 41.6 years.

The population growth rate, as of 2021, is approximately 0.59% per year.

Belgium has a significant number of migrants from various countries in Europe and around the world. Ethnic and cultural diversity is one of the defining features of the country's demographic profile.

The main ethnic groups are the Flemish (57% of the population, over 6 million people) and the Walloons (36% of the population, over 4.1 million people). The language is Dutch. Germans in the east of the country make up about 1% of the total population.

Religious Groups:

  • Catholics: The largest religious group, about 57% of the population.
  •  Muslims: About 6% of the population.
  • Protestants and other Christian denominations: About 3% of the population.


Belgium's economy shows stable indicators. The country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023 reached 531.766 billion USD. The annual GDP growth rate for the second quarter of 2023 was 0.9%. The GDP per capita is 44,076 USD. As of September 2023, inflation was at 2.39%, indicating an economic slowdown in the wake of the pandemic and global geopolitical tensions.

Unemployment in Belgium remains relatively low, at 5.5% by mid-2023.

Overall inflation in Belgium in 2023 was 2.39%, with food inflation reaching 11.43%. The main drivers of inflation were rising prices for energy and food products.

Belgium's foreign trade relations are stable. By mid-2023, exports of goods and services reached 43.8 billion USD, reflecting the competitiveness of Belgian producers in international markets.

Freedom of Travel

The Belgian passport offers extensive opportunities for visa-free international travel. As of 2023, the Belgian passport grants visa-free access to 126 countries. In 41 countries, a visa can be obtained upon arrival, and in 23 countries, a visa must be obtained in advance. In 8 countries, an electronic travel authorization can be obtained.

Holders of a Belgian passport can enjoy visa-free travel throughout Europe and South America, and to some extent in Africa and Central Asia. The option to obtain a visa on arrival or an electronic travel authorization is available in many countries in Asia, Oceania, and Africa.

The Belgian passport ranks 4th in the world for travel freedom.

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