Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, is a country in Southern Europe located on the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. The capital is Lisbon. The form of government is a presidential republic. It is the westernmost country on the Iberian Peninsula and continental Europe. In total, it covers an area of 92,391 square kilometers. It borders Spain and the Atlantic Ocean to the north and east, and the south and west, respectively. The archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira are also part of Portugal.
Portugal is a founding member of NATO and the OECD, as well as a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the Schengen Agreement. It is also one of the founding states of the eurozone and is a member of the European Union.
It has a complex administrative division into 5 regions, 18 districts, 2 autonomous regions, and 28 static sub-regions. The division extends to 308 districts and 4,257 municipalities. Currently, work is underway on a reform that aims to abolish districts and decentralize the powers of local authorities.
One of the most popular ways to move to Portugal is to obtain a digital nomad visa.
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