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25.0 million
7,741,220 km2
English, Arabic,
Australian Dollar ≈ $0.6356

The country of Australia includes the mainland of the same name, Tasmania and several other islands, located in the Southern Hemisphere. It ranks 6th in size, and 5th in the human development index. The state is a member of the UN, WTO, G20 and many other associations. Australia is considered one of the most developed countries.

The number of inhabitants in Australia is about 27.3 million people with a density of 3.5 per 1 km2. The ratio of men and women is 49.8% to 50.2%. Most of the inhabitants are descendants of those who immigrated to the mainland from Britain and Ireland a long time ago.

Happiness level
Happiness level

In terms of happiness, Australia ranks 11 out of 136 countries in the World Happiness Report 2025. The indicator takes into account GDP per capita, life expectancy, sense of security, and public opinion survey results from residents of the countries.

Health index
Health index

Based on the Numbeo Health Index derived from user experience. In the 2025 ranking, Australia is in 30 place according to this indicator among 94 countries. The index evaluates the quality, cost, accessibility of medical services, and the level of staff qualifications.

The cleanest air
The cleanest air

Air cleanliness reflects the environmental situation in the region. This factor is crucial. Australia is ranked 3 among 125 countries based on the results of 2025.

Security of countries
Security of countries

The indicator is calculated based on the country safety rating from the Numbeo service. Australia ranks 80 out of 146 in terms of safety according to a survey of real travelers who visited the country in 2025.

Life expectancy 84.5 years
Life expectancy

Australia ranks 5 out of 235 countries in the world for life expectancy. This is a crucial indicator that has been evaluated by the United Nations since 1980.

Level of human freedom
Level of human freedom

Australia ranks 11 out of 164 countries in the Human Freedom Index 2025 by the American Cato Institute and the Canadian Fraser Institute. The ranking evaluates personal, civil, and economic freedom in different countries based on 86 indicators.

The cost of living 74.2 USD
The cost of living

The cost of living assessment in Australia, according to the Numbeo Index 2025, includes not only the cost of groceries, restaurants, and housing rent but also the purchasing power index. The indicator is conditional, as it is most often directly related to the income level of the population.

Unemployment rate 3.7 percent
Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate and the assessment of Australia according to this indicator are based on data from the International Labour Organization from 2025. According to this indicator, the country ranks 50 out of 186 countries in the world.

Level of social progress
Level of social progress

The Social Progress Index assesses countries' achievements across 50 different indicators, and Australia ranks 12 out of 168 countries in this rating for the year 2025.

Quality of citizenship
Quality of citizenship

The Citizenship Quality Ranking considers freedom of movement, human development index, GDP indicators, and openness to residency. Australia ranks 36 out of 201 countries based on these criteria as of 2025.

Literacy rate
Literacy rate

Literacy rate directly influences the development of any country. Therefore, this indicator provides an understanding of the average level of education among citizens. Australia ranks 22 out of 178 in terms of literacy rate.

Internet speed 92 Mbps
Internet speed

Internet speed indicates the level of technological development in the country, accessibility of information, and service quality. Australia ranks 25 in the list of countries based on this indicator.

Mobile data price 0.44 USD
Mobile data price

The cost of mobile internet reflects its accessibility. When considering this indicator alongside internet speed, we can judge the quality of access to information. In 2025, Australia ranks 38 out of 236 in this regard.

The country of Australia includes the mainland of the same name, Tasmania and several other islands, located in the Southern Hemisphere. It ranks 6th in size, and 5th in the human development index. The state is a member of the UN, WTO, G20 and many other associations. Australia is considered one of the most developed countries.

Since ancient times, aborigines have lived on the territory of Australia, who have formed the oldest traditions in many areas. The continent underwent strong changes when Europeans began to explore it. Australia was discovered for them in 1606, and by the second half of the 17th century, its map was clearly formed.

An important stage in the country's history is the colonization by Britain from the end of the 18th century to 1901. Along with new traditions and trade, Europeans brought their infections to the continent, which provoked a strong decrease in the indigenous population.

In 1901, the Australian Union was formed. The country took a voluntary part in the war of 1914, and also fought in the period 1940 to 1945 against Hitler, after which it became very close to the United States on a military basis and became its ally. After the war, the state strongly encouraged the influx of immigrants from Europe, which significantly changed the ratio of ethnic groups and culture. Since 1986, Australia has abolished the primacy of the British Parliament and the court, and in 1999, after a referendum, it became a republic.

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Climatic conditions

The climate in Australia is dictated by currents in the ocean, especially strongly influenced by El Nino. It is the culprit of frequent droughts and cyclones in the northern regions. The country differs in that it has the seasons reversed for the Northern Hemisphere.

The hottest part lasts from November to January. In summer, the temperature is +20...+27 °C, it is hot, stuffy with irregular rains. In winter, it is from +12 to +23 oC. Frosts up to -5 occur in the flat part, and harsh conditions are typical only for the Australian Alps, where the temperature drops to -20...-25 °C.

The state is located mainly in the tropics, so there is enough sun here. Tropical cyclones dominate the northern part of the country once or twice a year.

Climate impact on agriculture

About 75% of the territory is deserts and semi–deserts. The seasons have clear boundaries. The mildest territory in terms of climate is Tasmania, located in the temperate zone. Most grains and fruits are grown in the southeastern part of the continent, which is influenced by humid winds from the Pacific Ocean, which provides sufficient rainfall all year round.


The number of inhabitants in Australia is about 27.3 million people with a density of 3.5 per 1 km2. The ratio of men and women is 49.8% to 50.2%. Most of the inhabitants are descendants of those who immigrated to the mainland from Britain and Ireland a long time ago.

The influx of migrants is still noticeable in the country. This ensures a stable increase in the number of the population: about 60% of the increase is provided by migrants, no more than 40% is a natural increase. The disadvantage of such intensive immigration is that it increases the burden on the housing stock and the infrastructure of the state. 90% of those who come to Australia settle in Sydney or Melbourne.

The main and official language is English. About 30% of the population are Australians and British. Another 9% is accounted for by the Irish, 7% by the Scots, 4% each are occupied by Italians and Germans. According to religious beliefs, Christians dominate in Australia (67%), no more than 3% of Buddhists and up to 2.5% profess Islam.

The average life expectancy is 82 years. The majority of citizens are people aged 15 to 65 years, almost 68% of them, and another 14% are from the older generation.


Australia belongs to the countries with a highly developed market economy, which is based on industry and the agricultural sector. The country is rich in minerals, more than 100 million tons of iron ore are mined on the territory of the state, as well as other metals, including tungsten, gold, nickel, bismuth. The Australian Union is the world's main exporter of aluminum and iron ore. Domestic oil reserves cover up to 70% of the country's needs, and the state exports some of the fuel.

In addition to advanced metallurgy, mechanical engineering is flourishing: the assembly of locomotives, electronics and radio electronics, and machine tools. Another industry area is chemical production with the production of synthetic rubber, plastics, and acids. Australia is also famous for its food products, which are mainly exported.

Almost 2/3 of the state's territory is occupied in agriculture. Despite the hot climate, periodic droughts and fires, livestock farming flourishes here, it occupies almost 60% of agriculture, so there are huge pastures around. The Australian Union is a leader in beef exports, and also sells a lot of cheeses, butter and other dairy products.

Nowhere in the world are there as many sheep as on this continent

Up to 10 heads per inhabitant. The main products produced are merino wool. Its annual quantity is more than 1 million tons. Geographical opportunities contribute to the development of fishing, especially tuna fishing.

No more than 5-6% of the territory dominated by wheat is occupied for growing crops. In addition to high-quality grain, which is recognized all over the world, this continent is also famous for its winemaking. Other areas of horticulture are less developed.

The state receives significant income from tourism, including winter entertainment.

The main partners are the USA and Japan, where large quantities of raw materials are sent from Australia, as well as New Zealand. Good trade relations have been established with the EU.

Inflation rate

The country's central bank is the Reserve Bank of Australia. Its task is to ensure the stability of the state's currency, maintain full employment, economic recovery and the well–being of citizens. These goals are achieved by keeping inflation within 2-3% per year.

Freedom of movement

The methods of obtaining citizenship in Australia are the same as in most countries (at birth, by naturalization, by origin, after adoption, etc.). A passport provides great opportunities to travel freely. If you have Australian citizenship, you can go to the USA, Canada, any EU country without registration of many papers.

No more than 90 days are allowed for a vacation or business trip to America. You will not need a visa to visit 181 countries on different continents, or it is enough to open it on arrival. You can go on vacation to Egypt, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Seychelles, Sri Lanka. If you want to get acquainted with cultural traditions, then South Korea, Ecuador, Japan, Tunisia, Taiwan, Peru, Argentina are open.

Additional features

For immigrants from the former USSR, there is an opportunity to legalize dual citizenship, Australia recognizes this. Even with a passport, you can not only safely open your business in the Australian Union, but also get a job in New Zealand without applying for any additional permits.

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