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Kingdom of Norway

5.3 million
323,877 km2
English, Danish,
Norwegian Krone ≈ $0.0897

In the west there are phenomenal fjelds created by glaciers, as well as high cliffs going into the sea. The country is famous for its picturesque mountain landscapes, waterfalls and unique rock formations. Norway is the world leader in electricity production per capita.

Happiness level
Happiness level

In terms of happiness, Norway ranks 7 out of 136 countries in the World Happiness Report 2025. The indicator takes into account GDP per capita, life expectancy, sense of security, and public opinion survey results from residents of the countries.

Health index
Health index

Based on the Numbeo Health Index derived from user experience. In the 2025 ranking, Norway is in 14 place according to this indicator among 94 countries. The index evaluates the quality, cost, accessibility of medical services, and the level of staff qualifications.

The cleanest air
The cleanest air

Air cleanliness reflects the environmental situation in the region. This factor is crucial. Norway is ranked 12 among 125 countries based on the results of 2025.

Security of countries
Security of countries

The indicator is calculated based on the country safety rating from the Numbeo service. Norway ranks 36 out of 146 in terms of safety according to a survey of real travelers who visited the country in 2025.

Life expectancy 83.2 years
Life expectancy

Norway ranks 10 out of 235 countries in the world for life expectancy. This is a crucial indicator that has been evaluated by the United Nations since 1980.

Level of human freedom
Level of human freedom

Norway ranks 11 out of 164 countries in the Human Freedom Index 2025 by the American Cato Institute and the Canadian Fraser Institute. The ranking evaluates personal, civil, and economic freedom in different countries based on 86 indicators.

The cost of living 80.1 USD
The cost of living

The cost of living assessment in Norway, according to the Numbeo Index 2025, includes not only the cost of groceries, restaurants, and housing rent but also the purchasing power index. The indicator is conditional, as it is most often directly related to the income level of the population.

Unemployment rate 3.2 percent
Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate and the assessment of Norway according to this indicator are based on data from the International Labour Organization from 2025. According to this indicator, the country ranks 36 out of 186 countries in the world.

Level of social progress
Level of social progress

The Social Progress Index assesses countries' achievements across 50 different indicators, and Norway ranks 1 out of 168 countries in this rating for the year 2025.

Quality of citizenship
Quality of citizenship

The Citizenship Quality Ranking considers freedom of movement, human development index, GDP indicators, and openness to residency. Norway ranks 5 out of 201 countries based on these criteria as of 2025.

Literacy rate
Literacy rate

Literacy rate directly influences the development of any country. Therefore, this indicator provides an understanding of the average level of education among citizens. Norway ranks 1 out of 178 in terms of literacy rate.

Internet speed 141.4 Mbps
Internet speed

Internet speed indicates the level of technological development in the country, accessibility of information, and service quality. Norway ranks 7 in the list of countries based on this indicator.

Mobile data price 4.07 USD
Mobile data price

The cost of mobile internet reflects its accessibility. When considering this indicator alongside internet speed, we can judge the quality of access to information. In 2025, Norway ranks 204 out of 236 in this regard.

English proficiency level
English proficiency level

An indicator that gives an understanding of how comfortable you will feel in a country if you are unfamiliar with the local language but proficient in English. According to this indicator, Norway ranks 5 in the world.

Norway is located on the Scandinavian peninsula. The kingdom is bordered to the east by Sweden, to the north by Finland and the Russian Federation, and to the west by the Norwegian Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The coastline is incredibly fragmented and includes many coves and islands.

The year of the foundation of Norway is considered to be 872, when several small Norman kingdoms merged. Today it is one of the oldest monarchies in the world. Over 1,150 years, more than 60 kings and jarls have been replaced on the throne. Until 1661, power in the kingdom belonged to the king, then it was shared with the influential nobility. As of 2023, the country's population is 5,55 million people.

Geographically, Norway is divided into several zones. The main chain of mountains is the Scandinavian Mountains, which stretch from south to north. The interior areas are colder and closed from the influence of oceanic winds, while the coast, thanks to warm currents, has a milder climate. The landscape is characterized by considerable diversity.

In the west there are phenomenal fjelds created by glaciers, as well as high cliffs going into the sea. Norway is famous for its picturesque mountain landscapes, waterfalls and unique rock formations.

Lerdalsky is the world's longest tunnel for cars. And built in Norway. Its length is 24,5 kilometers.

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Climatic conditions

The west coast has a mild maritime climate. Warm currents such as the Gulf Stream provide higher temperatures compared to other regions at similar latitudes. The summer is short, but relatively warm, with temperatures reaching +25...30 °C. Winters are mild and rainy. The average temperature values are about 0 °C. In the east, the climate is continental, with colder winters. In winter, the temperature can drop to -20 °C. Such conditions contribute to the development of agriculture.

In the north of Norway, especially in the Lapland region, the climate is becoming Arctic. Winters are long and harsh here, and summers are short and cold. Average temperatures in summer do not exceed +10-15 °C, and in winter they often reach -30 °C. This significantly affects the traditional way of life of the local population, which is mainly engaged in reindeer husbandry and fishing.

Norway is located in an area prone to seismic activity, but its level is low

Although earthquakes do occur here, they rarely reach significant strength. This is due to the fact that the Kingdom is located far from the main tectonic boundaries, unlike neighboring countries such as Iceland.


Norway is one of the least populated European countries. Residents aged 16-67 years are dominating here. The superiority of men is insignificant and changes with the predominance of women in 55-59 years.

74,77 % of ethnic Norwegians, while 25,23 % are immigrants and their descendants. Among the newcomers, 40 % are immigrants from Europe (mainly Poles, Albanians and Lithuanians), North America and the Australian Union. The remaining 60 % are those who moved from Asia and Africa.

The official language is Norwegian

Sami, Quen and Gypsies also live here. 

The most widespread religion in the country is Christianity. About 3 % of the population are Catholic and Muslim. Other beliefs are practiced by an average of 10 % of local residents. Christianity is represented by several denominations, among which Lutheranism dominates, in particular through the Norwegian Church.

Consistently high incomes of the population, along with high-quality medical and social services, contribute to an increase in the number of centenarians. The average is one of the highest in the world and is about 83 years old. There is also an increase in the number of citizens over the age of 100. At the same time, the traditional gender gap in life expectancy between men and women is decreasing.

Maintaining the birth rate at 11 % against the background of declining mortality (7,9 %) contributed to an increase in natural population growth. The infant mortality rate is one of the lowest in the world and is 2 %.


Norway is the leading producer of hydrocarbons in Northern Europe. In 2015, the share of the oil and gas sector in the gross domestic product was 23%. In addition, the Kingdom holds a leading position in Europe in the production of aluminum and magnesium.

More than 65 % of the country's energy needs are met by hydroelectric power plants, which makes it possible to export large volumes of oil. The Norwegian economy is also characterized by low inflation (3 %) and unemployment (3 %). The number of people below the poverty line is 12,7 %.

The country has significant forest resources, which leave 27 % of its territory.

Forestry, although it occupies a small share in the economy, is an important industry for local residents. Due to the large volumes of wood, Norway holds a leading position in the global pulp and paper market.

Shipbuilding stands out among the key branches of mechanical engineering. The fish processing industry is almost as important as the oil and gas sector. The Kingdom has accumulated considerable experience in the production of fish farming equipment, including feeding and breeding systems, as well as in monitoring and various fish processing technologies.

The main agricultural sector of the country is animal husbandry, mainly in the meat and dairy sector, which provides about 80 % of all agricultural products. In this regard, the emphasis is on the cultivation of forage crops. Sheep farming is also developed.

Norway is the world leader in electricity production per capita 

Despite the vast reserves of hydrocarbons, 99% of electricity is generated at hydroelectric power plants, thanks to the country's significant hydro resources.

Freedom of movement

Freedom of movement can be considered an important advantage of Norwegian citizenship. The passport ranks 5th in the ranking among all countries. You will not need a visa to visit 129 countries. A visa is issued upon arrival to enter 46 countries.

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