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People's Republic of China

1.4 billion
9,572,900 km2
Chinese, Mongolian,
Yuan Renminbi ≈ $0.1382
Unaffiliated Religions

The People's Republic of China is a densely populated nation in the southeast of the Eurasian continent. The Celestial Empire (Zhongguo) with its capital Beijing occupies 9.6 million km² and is the 3rd largest country in the world in terms of area. The territory stretches from the Pamirs to the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The length of the coastline is 31,9 thousand kilometers. The PRC borders on land with 14 countries.

The total area is 22 117 km. Geographical position provides access to the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea, water borders with 6 countries. China owns 5.4 islands (79, 9 thousand m2). The largest of them are Taiwan and Hainan.

Happiness level
Happiness level

In terms of happiness, China ranks 63 out of 136 countries in the World Happiness Report 2025. The indicator takes into account GDP per capita, life expectancy, sense of security, and public opinion survey results from residents of the countries.

Health index
Health index

Based on the Numbeo Health Index derived from user experience. In the 2025 ranking, China is in 37 place according to this indicator among 94 countries. The index evaluates the quality, cost, accessibility of medical services, and the level of staff qualifications.

The cleanest air
The cleanest air

Air cleanliness reflects the environmental situation in the region. This factor is crucial. China is ranked 101 among 125 countries based on the results of 2025.

Security of countries
Security of countries

The indicator is calculated based on the country safety rating from the Numbeo service. China ranks 15 out of 146 in terms of safety according to a survey of real travelers who visited the country in 2025.

Life expectancy 78.2 years
Life expectancy

China ranks 60 out of 235 countries in the world for life expectancy. This is a crucial indicator that has been evaluated by the United Nations since 1980.

Level of human freedom
Level of human freedom

China ranks 151 out of 164 countries in the Human Freedom Index 2025 by the American Cato Institute and the Canadian Fraser Institute. The ranking evaluates personal, civil, and economic freedom in different countries based on 86 indicators.

The cost of living 34.6 USD
The cost of living

The cost of living assessment in China, according to the Numbeo Index 2025, includes not only the cost of groceries, restaurants, and housing rent but also the purchasing power index. The indicator is conditional, as it is most often directly related to the income level of the population.

Unemployment rate 4.9 percent
Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate and the assessment of China according to this indicator are based on data from the International Labour Organization from 2025. According to this indicator, the country ranks 77 out of 186 countries in the world.

Level of social progress
Level of social progress

The Social Progress Index assesses countries' achievements across 50 different indicators, and China ranks 94 out of 168 countries in this rating for the year 2025.

Quality of citizenship
Quality of citizenship

The Citizenship Quality Ranking considers freedom of movement, human development index, GDP indicators, and openness to residency. China ranks 68 out of 201 countries based on these criteria as of 2025.

Literacy rate
Literacy rate

Literacy rate directly influences the development of any country. Therefore, this indicator provides an understanding of the average level of education among citizens. China ranks 71 out of 178 in terms of literacy rate.

Internet speed 144.85 Mbps
Internet speed

Internet speed indicates the level of technological development in the country, accessibility of information, and service quality. China ranks 6 in the list of countries based on this indicator.

Mobile data price 0.38 USD
Mobile data price

The cost of mobile internet reflects its accessibility. When considering this indicator alongside internet speed, we can judge the quality of access to information. In 2025, China ranks 28 out of 236 in this regard.

English proficiency level
English proficiency level

An indicator that gives an understanding of how comfortable you will feel in a country if you are unfamiliar with the local language but proficient in English. According to this indicator, China ranks 85 in the world.

Under the constitution, China is a socialist system with a democratic dictatorship led by the Communist Party. Decisions are made by the local and national government (National People’s Congress). The market economy and entrepreneurship in the country indicate developed capitalism. The authorities financially support businesses. The nuclear state is a member of the UN Security Council, it has the largest army, the second largest economy in the world, and the largest export market.

Climatic conditions

Temperature indicators are determined by the location of the country in different latitudes. The Asian anticyclone exerts the influence. The biggest part of the territory is located in the temperate climate zone. In the southeast, there is a subtropical zone. Monsoons bring precipitation from April to September, most of all in June – 500 ml. In the Northwest, the climate is sharply continental with dry summers.

The temperature in winter is + 11 C, but sometimes drops to - 45 ° C. In summer in the Turf Basin it rises up to 50 °С. The volume of rainfall reaches 400 mm.

The landscape was formed under the influence of the ocean, Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. Visually, it resembles a 4-step staircase 4,000 meters high, stretching from west to east. It includes the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the Great Plain of China, covered with oak forests. Below at different altitudes are mountain plateaus, continental shallow plume. Tibet flows into the 3,000-meter-high mountains of Central China. In the north, the colored geological landscape of Dengxia has formed in Gansu Province.

The PRC has a lot of arable land, steppes, and shoals. The Yangtze, the third largest river, originates in the southwestern part. The deltas of the Yangtze and the deep-water Huanghe are integrated into the lluvial-delta plain. Deserts and semi-deserts are spread in the Gobi region. Taiga and tropical overgrown forests (128.62 million hectares) have been preserved in pristine condition due to impenetrability.

Only in the south-west jungles stretch for hundreds of kilometers. The mountainous terrain occupying 2/3 of the territory, the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates along the fault lines form seismic activity. Aborigines often feel earth tremors with a magnitude of 5 points or more.

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The number of inhabitants in 2024 has reached 1.407 billion or 20% of the world's population. Compared to 2023, the number of Chinese people decreased by 0, 15%. Average population density in 2020 was 1536 people per one square meter. The figure reaches 400 in densely populated regions, in central regions – 200, in mountainous regions – 10 people/1 m2. There is a high concentration of citizens in the areas of Zhujiang, Bohai Bay, Yangtze Delta. The ethnic composition of China is diverse. More than 50 nationalities live on the territory. The Han Chinese account for 92% of them. Zhuans, Manchus, Uighurs and 15 other small nations make up more than a million.

Urbanization in the PRC has reached 62.5%. The number of large cities is 140, megacities – 40. Only in Shanghai lives 27.7 million, Beijing – 20.8 million. There is relative gender equality in the country: men – 51.09% and women - 48.92%. According to PRC statistics, by the beginning of 2021 the proportion of male population exceeded the female population by 34.9% million. 477 million citizens live in rural areas, which is 14.4 million less than in 2022. The life expectancy level index for males is 75, 5 and for females is 81, 2. The percentage of citizens aged 65+ in 2023 increased 3-fold (280.04 million) to 296.97 million or 21.1%.


Manufacturing is based on 5-year plans and entrepreneurship. The economy includes state-owned enterprises and companies with mixed ownership. Private capital accounts for 49% of exports, 61% of GDP and budget revenues, and 69% of innovation. This strategy has allowed China to take the second place after America in GDP and the first place in purchasing parity. Industries are developing unevenly. About 52% is in the service sector.

The industrial sector includes 360 areas and accounts for 40%. It employs 20 million Chinese.

In manufacturing, the emphasis is on electric cars, telecommunication and office equipment, haberdashery, and textile products. Agriculture accounts 8% of the economy. 300 million people are employed in this sector. There are also many raw material resources: coal, oil, fossils.

The country's profit depends on the external market. The volume of exported products to 180 countries allowed China to become a leader. Economic growth has been declining since the 2020s due to the aging of the population, social spending. By the end of 2023, it exceeded 5%, but real estate, exports and investments remain problematic. Purchasing power also falls from 2023s, which will lead to deflation in the end. In 2012- 2022, the price index did not exceed 0, 9 and 2%. In 2023, inflation amounted to 0.2%. In 4 months of 2024, compared to last January and April, it increased by 0.1%. According to the authorities' forecast, it will exceed 3% this year.

Freedom of movement

The international ranking of passports depends on diplomacy and policy. The determining factor for the index is the possibility of visa-free border crossings to other countries. The number of immigration agreements signed directly affects the freedom of movement around the world.

China is ranked 51st in the rankings and 110th individually. Passport strength is 94. Citizens can visit 45 countries without visas and in 49 issue upon arrival. 104 nations require paper/electronic authorization for border control.

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