Citizenship of Romania

Romania is an EU country known for its affordable prices and high standard of living. A citizen's passport allows travel within the EU without the need for additional visa arrangements. A simplified procedure is provided for travel to the USA and Canada.

Moreover, citizens can conduct business in European countries, receive education, and social benefits from government agencies. Romania also has a lenient immigration policy.

Ways to Obtain Citizenship

According to the Citizenship Law, there are several different grounds for qualifying for a Romanian passport:


People whose ancestors were born or resided on Romanian territory before 1940 can obtain citizenship of the country through an accelerated procedure. Kinship up to the 3rd knee is allowed.


To obtain a Romanian passport, one must obtain a residence permit, live in this status for 5 years, then obtain permanent residency and live in that status for a minimum of 3 years. Citizenship of the country can only be obtained after completing these previous stages.

Marriage to a citizen.

To formalize the status after marriage to a citizen of the country will require alternately obtaining a residence permit and a permanent residence. Citizenship can be claimed only after 8 years of permanent residence on the territory of the state on legal grounds.

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