Residence Permit of Slovenia

Moving to Slovenia thanks to a residence permit significantly increases the opportunities of a foreigner. The country is characterized by a stable economy, developed infrastructure and provides social guarantees. Among Russians, in recent years, there has been an increase in those wishing to obtain Slovenian residency. Of the main pluses of the residence permit of this state stand out:

  • the possibility of traveling in the Schengen countries and the EU
  • study at universities and other institutions
  • preferential lending
  • quality medical care
  • the right to do business
  • social insurance

The government of Slovenia allows you to reside in the country for 3 months. After 5 years of temporary resident status, you can apply for a permanent residence permit, and after the same period of time you can obtain a passport.

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Thomas Legran
Author of Global Relocate
Thomas Legran
Text author
Thomas Legran

После окончания лицея в Лионе, поступил в университет Тулуза (Toulouse Capitole University), где изучал международное право. Моя специализация это визовое сопровождение и международное миграционное право.

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Is it possible to get a work permit after studying in Slovenia?

Marcell Fazekas, Hello! In general, it all depends on the current citizenship of the applicant. For EU citizens, a residence and work permit is provided within the Schengen area. If the applicant is from a country outside the eurozone, then you need to go through the standard procedure for obtaining a residence and employment permit. At the same time, the person or organization planning to provide the job must prove that there are no worthy candidates among the local population.

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