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Citizenship of New Zealand

New Zealand is located in Polynesia, and is known for its picturesque landscapes, unique culture, and a combination of aboriginal Maori traditions and European roots. The process of obtaining a passport consists of several stages, including legal residence, knowledge of the language and understanding of New Zealand values. Everyone who aspires to become a part of this society must demonstrate their integration into the cultural and social aspects of life.

Holders of the certificate enjoy the right to participate in elections, access to free education and medicine, and the possibility of visa-free travel to most countries of the world. The country is attractive for investors, businessmen and those who want to find a good job and live in a quiet place. However, patience and perseverance will be required on the path to citizenship.

As for special programs, they can issue a simplified document to applicants under the age of 16, if the parent is local and to those who contributed to the development and increase the prestige of New Zealand.

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Ways to obtain citizenship

The main law regulating the requirements is the Decree «On Citizenship», which entered into force on January 1, 1978. The rules apply to the entire territory, which includes the country itself, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau. There are several ways to obtain New Zealand citizenship.


This path is open to foreigners who have legally settled, observing the necessary conditions for permanent residence. The process includes a comprehensive assessment of a person's commitment, taking into account such aspects as:

  1. Duration of stay. You need to live in the state for 5 years (continuously for 8 months annually or 45 months in total).
  2. Integration into society. The applicant must know the history, the law, and understand local values.
  3. Knowledge of culture and language. The applicant is required to have a basic command of English (checked at the interview), an understanding of traditions, as well as a demonstration of plans for life.

Naturalization is governed by certain legal norms that establish eligibility criteria. This ensures that those who have acquired citizenship are fully integrated and ready to make a positive contribution to the future of the country.


A child born in the territory automatically receives the status, provided that his mother or father are New Zealanders. The rule applies, including to adopted children.


Anyone who was born in the country after January 1, 1949, but before 2006 automatically receives citizenship. Persons born after this period can also apply for a New Zealand passport, but on condition that their parents have the status of a New Zealander.

Children who are citizens by birth do not lose their status when adopted by foreigners.

Special cases

The status is assigned to certain persons, regardless of the fulfillment of the naturalization requirements. This applies to children under the age of 16 whose mother or father were New Zealanders at the time of their birth. At the discretion of the government, the requirements for the length of residence of the relocator, knowledge of the language, criminal records and plans for the future in the state may also be taken into account or ignored.

Local authorities can also hand over a passport to someone who has made a significant contribution to the development of the country and increased its prestige in the international arena. At the same time, there are no additional requirements for persons who have obtained citizenship in this way.

Advantages of citizenship

First of all, it is worth noting the high standard of living. According to the survey, New Zealand is considered the best place for expats and consistently occupies a leading position, providing access to high-quality healthcare and social security. It is one of the safest and most stable countries, providing reliable protection and guarantees. At the same time, the education system is considered one of the best in the world.

Other important advantages include:

  • visa-free entry to Australia, Japan and Hong Kong, the EU; 
  • simplified access to Canada and the USA (it is enough to obtain only an electronic entry permit);
  • employment in prestigious companies; 
  • receiving medical care free of charge or with significant discounts, thanks to government support; 
  • state support for small businesses (if a person has been unemployed for a year or more, and then wanted to open your own business, he can count on $20,000 in assistance); 
  • the opportunity to vote and run for parliament or local government; 
  • represent the country at sports competitions; exemption from taxes on capital gains, donations, inheritance, property and land.

Dual citizenship

A foreigner will not need to give up his first passport. As for multiple citizenship, it is worth getting acquainted with whether this agreement exists between the countries.

Citizenship by Investment Program

This possibility is not provided for by the law on citizenship. But the relocant can get a residence permit for investments, which in the future will allow him to naturalize. Currently, the only valid program is the Active Investor Plus visa. Investors must invest at least $15 million in the following areas:

  • stocks;
  • charity;
  • investment or venture funds;
  • own business.

Investments are evaluated based on their compliance with the requirements. They must maintain the appropriate conditions for a four-year period. Investments in real estate are not allowed, but it is possible to invest in companies related to property assets. Detailed information about the investment procedure and requirements is available directly on the website of this program.

If approved, the businessman is given six months to make investments. After that, he becomes a resident and at the end of the program can apply for naturalization.

Recent reforms of the citizenship program

Due to the amendments, all those who were born in the territory before 2006 automatically become citizens, which is due to the effect of the "law of the soil". The exception is the children of foreign diplomats. For babies born after the specified year, the path is open only if one of the parents is already a resident of the New Zealand Islands, including Australians.

Those who intend to obtain civil rights on the basis of residence must stay in the country permanently with the status of a resident for at least five years or have an initial visa with the right to reside. Previously, for those who received permanent residence before April 2005, the period of compulsory stay was 3 years. Now it is also necessary to express the intention to stay in the country, have no criminal record, demonstrate excellent knowledge of the state language, a deep understanding of legislation and standards.

Step-by-step process

The procedure involves the following steps:

Registration of a residence permit

The application is submitted through the government portal, where authorization is carried out using the RealMe service. Depending on the reasons, there are different types of visas, among them you can choose the most suitable option.


Visitors are required to confirm their proficiency in English, but only those to whom it is not native. The legislation does not provide for a separate procedure for passing the citizenship exam. The applicant can present a document of study in English (diploma or certificate from the university), as well as a letter of recommendation written by the employer. Alternatively, it is possible to take the IELTS test and obtain a certificate. If the authorized person has any questions after submitting the application, he/she will schedule an interview for an individual verification of the level of proficiency.

Filing a dossier

The request, together with the collected package of papers, is sent to the citizenship office or sent by mail. The presence of a witness is mandatory – a local resident who has reached the age of sixteen, who will be able to verify the identity of the applicant. For a personal visit, you will need to make an appointment by phone or e-mail, otherwise the documents will be sent by courier. Online filing is also available, but a witness is required to prove identity. Additionally, you may need to upload a photo or visit the office for identification.

The application form is downloaded from the government's website. Various forms are provided for adults, minors and Samoan residents. To check the status, you need to apply individually.

Collecting documents and submitting an application

Minors receive citizenship at the same time as their parents. If the child is over 16 years old, he submits the application on his own. Otherwise, it is included in the application of the guardians. If one of the parents is absent for a good reason, the other must document it. In such a situation, a notarized document confirming the consent of the absent guardian will be required.

List of documents

You need to build the following package:

  • a civil passport and photocopies of all its significant pages; 
  • a foreign passport (including an expired one);
  • an official paper confirming the right to legal residence; 
  • a certificate of medical examination issued by a New Zealand institution; 
  • confirmation of the source of income and its legality; 
  • a long-term rental agreement or proof of ownership of real estate; 
  • an extract from the tax service.
Please note! 

All papers must be translated into English by an accredited bureau. However, some of them may require notarization.

The cost of registration through naturalization in 2024 is $470,20 or $235,10, depending on the age of the candidate. In addition, you should take into account the cost of transferring papers (it will cost about $100), as well as creating copies. In the process of naturalization, a foreigner must also provide for the costs of accommodation, food and other vital needs.

Consideration and decision

The estimated processing time for applications is about 16 months. If you have any questions, a responsible specialist will contact the relocator. The period of making a direct decision, as a rule, does not exceed 90 days from the date of the interview.

After approval, an oath is taken for 5 months. Approximately 30 days before this event, an invitation is sent to the relocator, which specifies the time, place of the event, the number of allowed guests and the text to read. During the ceremony, the applicant makes an appropriate speech and receives a certificate of status assignment.

Disadvantages of citizenship

Despite the numerous positive aspects, there are certain disadvantages that it is also advisable to take into account when planning a move. The main disadvantages include:

  • high prices (for example, the cost of utilities starts here from $860 per month, which requires careful budget management); 
  • difficulties with finding employment for emigrants (especially for highly specialized specialists); 
  • lack of an investment program in the local economy.

Deprivation of citizenship is possible if a person acted against the interests of New Zealand, used fraudulent schemes for naturalization. And violation of migration policy may be the reason for deportation.

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