Latvian citizenship can be obtained in several ways, the main of which is naturalization. However, this process requires a foreigner to live in the country for at least 10 years, knowledge of the Latvian language and culture, as well as fulfilling a number of other conditions (for example, renouncing previous citizenship and having a stable income).
A Latvian passport provides access to the benefits of EU citizenship – the opportunity to move and work freely in the EU, participate in local elections and receive social guarantees.
Different categories of applicants can expect individual privileges after receiving a Latvian passport. It gives businessmen access to the European market, which makes it easier to do business with EU partners. Young families can benefit from high standards of healthcare and education. IT relocators and digital nomads get the opportunity to legally work and develop a career in the European Union.
There are currently no special programs for accelerated citizenship acquisition. However, foreigners with Latvian roots can take advantage of the repatriation program, which allows them to obtain a second passport on simplified terms.
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Ways to obtain citizenship
The procedure is regulated by the Law «On Citizenship of Latvia». The key conditions are proficiency in the Latvian language, knowledge of the Constitution and renunciation of previous residency.
This is the preferred method for foreigners seeking to become citizens of Latvia. The process requires 10 years of continuous residence in the country. Applicants must be over 15 years old and have successfully passed tests in Latvian language, history, culture and Constitution. It is necessary to have a legitimate source of income with supporting documents and no criminal record. The application is accompanied by the payment of a state fee in the amount of € 28.46. After the status is approved, an oath-taking ceremony is held.
Through marriage
A passport can be obtained after 5 years of life with a temporary residence permit. The marriage must be registered in Latvia, and the foreign spouse must obtain a residence permit immediately after the wedding. After five years, you can get a permanent residence permit, and after another five years— citizenship. The candidate must pass a language test and confirm loyalty to the country.
By birth or origin
Children born in Latvia after August 21, 1991 from non-citizen parents automatically become citizens of the country if their parents have legally lived here for at least five years. Persons with Latvian roots can undergo the repatriation procedure: confirm their origin and take a language proficiency test. Persons over 65 years of age and children under 15 years of age are exempt from the knowledge test.
Advantages of Latvian citizenship
Latvia is a member of the European Union, which opens access to residence, work and study in all EU countries without the need to obtain additional permits. Life here is suitable for those who value freedom of movement and economic opportunities.
The main advantages of permanent residency include:
- Visa-free travel to 180+ countries, including the USA and Canada.
- Doing business. Low taxes and the possibility of registering a company with minimal administrative barriers.
- Inheritance. The status is inherited by children.
- Education and work in the EU. The opportunity to study and work in the EU without obtaining additional permits.
- Confidentiality. High level of protection of personal data and assets due to European legislation.
- Tax benefits for dividends and investments.
Residence in Latvia is also suitable for those who value a comfortable life in a safe country with a high level of privacy and minimal requirements for physical presence.
Dual citizenship
The procedure has been regulated by amendments to the law "On Citizenship" since 2013. A Latvian citizen is not obliged to give up his first status if he receives a passport from a country belonging to the EU and EFTA, as well as Australia and Brazil. In other cases, permission from the Cabinet of Ministers is required.
Children whose parents are citizens of Latvia can have a second passport in any country.However, upon reaching the age of 18 (up to 25 years), one State must be chosen. The exception is the descendants of political emigrants who left Latvia in the period from 1940 to 1990.
Citizenship by Investment Program
It was closed in 2024 and is currently not functioning. Previously, the program offered investors and their families the opportunity to obtain a residence permit (rather than citizenship) based on certain financial investments in the country's economy. However, the program was suspended in 2022. The new Government decided not to renew it.
Latvia has decided not to extend the program as part of strengthening control over foreign investments and combating money laundering. Prior to the suspension, in order to obtain a residence permit for up to 5 years, it was required to invest at least 250,000 euros in real estate or projects approved by the state.
The stages of the program included the following steps:
- Choosing an object for investment (real estate or government projects).
- Submitting an application to the migration authorities.
- Checking the financial condition and sources of invested funds.
- Registration of a temporary residence permit.
- Extending and obtaining a permanent residence permit after all conditions are met.
The program was popular among foreign investors, but its termination is due to changes in government policy aimed at stricter economic and migration controls.
Recent reforms of the citizenship program
Since the beginning of 2024, new conditions have been introduced in Latvia for citizens of individual states with a residence permit. This is especially true for those who received a residence permit before 2003. For example, Russian citizens will have to take an A2 level Latvian language test before October 2025. Persons over the age of 75 are exempt from this obligation. In case of successful completion of the test, the validity period of the residence permit will be extended by two years with the possibility of its subsequent extension.
Candidates wishing to obtain Latvian citizenship must prove knowledge of the Latvian language, as well as the history and legislation of the country. An important condition for students is the availability of sufficient financial security: a minimum of 500 € per month for adults and 150 € for minors.
Step-by-step process
The procedure involves several stages:
The definition of the program for participation and application: through naturalization, on the basis of birth, repatriation, marriage with a citizen of Latvia or possession of the status of a permanent resident of the EU.
Before applying for citizenship, you must have a residence permit for at least five years. You can apply to the migration department. The cost depends on the chosen basis and the expected processing time of the application. It ranges from 70 to 450 €.
Living for four years makes it possible to obtain permanent resident status. It is necessary to confirm financial stability, absence of criminal records and debts.
Candidates must pass exams in the Latvian language, Constitution, anthem and history. Persons over 65 years of age, the disabled and children under 15 years of age may be exempt from verification.
After successful certification, candidates must take an oath, which is a prerequisite for obtaining the status.
You must personally submit an application to the migration department. The review takes from 4 to 12 months. You need to have a foreign passport, a certificate of non-conviction, a 3x4 cm photo and papers confirming the refusal of existing passports, if required. The state duty is 30 €.
After the application is approved and the oath is taken, a passport of a citizen of Latvia and an internal identity ID are issued. Dual citizenship is available only to certain categories of persons, for example, children of citizens living abroad.
Collecting documents and submitting an application
It is important to collect a complete package of papers. The main list consists of an application, a foreign passport, a birth certificate, a certificate of non-conviction, a 3×4 cm photo and a document confirming permanent residence in the state. You also need to provide an application for renunciation of previous residency, if the legislation does not allow you to keep it. The state fee for the examination of the application is 28.46 €. Exceptions are possible for children and the elderly.
The filing of the dossier for consideration takes place through the local migration services. The process may take from 4 to 12 months, depending on the reason for the application. The examination of knowledge of the Latvian language, history and Constitution is mandatory for most applicants. Persons with disabilities and those who graduated from educational institutions with teaching in Latvian are exempt from the test.
List of documents
To apply for Latvian citizenship by naturalization, it is necessary to collect a standard package of personal documentation:
Type | of Comment | The fee |
Statement | Filled in on the spot or downloaded from the official website of the migration service | 28,46 € |
A foreign passport | Original and copy | Not required |
Certificate of non-criminal record | Valid for 3 months | Not required |
Birth certificate | Original and copy | Not required |
Proof of residence | Lease agreement or utility bills | Not required |
Application for renunciation of previous citizenship | Required for most applicants other than EU citizens | Not required |
Photo 3×4 cm | For the questionnaire and the test | Not required |
Confirmation of knowledge of the Latvian language | Test results | Included in the examination tests |
Confirmation of knowledge of the Constitution | The results of the knowledge test on the basics of the state |
Documents are submitted in person at the offices of the migration service. When submitting an application, you will also need documentary proof of proficiency in the Latvian language and knowledge of the country's Constitution. Citizenship exams are held in migration departments, and exceptions are possible for some categories of persons (children under 15 years old, disabled people).
Consideration and decision
The application review process takes from 4 to 12 months, depending on the basis. At the end of this period, a decision is made on the assignment of the status. In most cases, it is required to pass a mandatory knowledge test for knowledge of the Latvian language, the Constitution and the culture of the country. Persons with health restrictions, children under 15 years of age and persons over 65 years of age may be exempt from these activities.
After the approval of the application, it is required to take an oath of allegiance to Latvia. To receive the final documents and passport, you need to pay the remaining fees. The amount of the state fee is 28.46 €, and for obtaining a residence permit or other documents — from 70 to 450 €, depending on the chosen procedure.
Disadvantages of Latvian citizenship
Permanent residence in this Baltic country attracts many, but obtaining it is associated with a number of difficulties and limitations:
- High cost. In 2024, the fees for issuing passports doubled. For an adult citizen, passport registration costs 60 €, and an urgent procedure costs 110 €. For children and young people under 20 years of age – 30 €. The extension of the residence permit will cost from 70 to 450 euros, depending on the urgency.
- A long process. The naturalization procedure may take up to 10 years of permanent residence in the country. Knowledge of the Latvian language and the basics of legislation are required. Registration lasts up to 12 months.
- The need for a permanent extension. To obtain a new permit, you need to go through several stages – from a visa to a residence permit. Each stage is accompanied by fees and consideration of personal documents.
- Restrictions on dual citizenship. Migration policy allows you to have a second passport only in rare cases. In all others, it is required to give up your previous residence.
- Strict requirements. To obtain through naturalization, it is necessary to confirm financial stability and the absence of criminal records that pose a threat to the country.
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