Visa to Greece

Greece is a country with a centuries-old history, located at the intersection of several parts of the world – Asia, Europe, and Africa. Comfortable beaches, unique cultural heritage sites, fixed tax rates for investors, and the opportunity to obtain a residence permit through property purchase are factors that encourage foreigners to visit this southern European country en masse. Greece became a member of the EU in 1981 and ratified the Schengen Agreement 20 years later. Currently, the authorities of this Balkan state do not plan to simplify passport and visa control with Russia, and compatriots will need a Schengen visa to cross the Greek border. Officials of the Balkan state's diplomatic mission have tightened the requirements for Russians intending to enter the country. Today, the chances of obtaining a Schengen visa through self-submission of documents at the Greek consulate are minimal. To increase these chances, it is recommended to use the services of visa centers (although their operations in some cities have been temporarily suspended – Vologda, Chelyabinsk, Smolensk).

Thomas Legran
Author of Global Relocate
Thomas Legran
Text author
Thomas Legran

После окончания лицея в Лионе, поступил в университет Тулуза (Toulouse Capitole University), где изучал международное право. Моя специализация это визовое сопровождение и международное миграционное право.

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