Residence Permit of Finland

The UN considers this country to be at the top of the list of the happiest countries. Travel to Finland is possible with a seasonal visa, C (Schengen) and D (national) visa. If a person intends to stay there for more than 90 days, he needs to get a residence permit. It is also granted to those who go to Finland to earn money, even if it is supposed to be short-term work, lasting less than 90 days.

The main grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Finland are: study, work, reunion of relatives, au pair, travel ban. The application is submitted on paper or electronically, but for some types of residence permits the latter is not available. Russians, if desired, have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit for Finland. It can be obtained through repatriation, if parents or their parents lived in Finland and had its citizenship, however, it should be borne in mind that applications are considered for up to 1 year.

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Thomas Legran
Author of Global Relocate
Thomas Legran
Text author
Thomas Legran

После окончания лицея в Лионе, поступил в университет Тулуза (Toulouse Capitole University), где изучал международное право. Моя специализация это визовое сопровождение и международное миграционное право.

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