Citizenship of Denmark

Denmark is a European Union country known for its high standard of living, safety, and minimal bureaucracy, especially compared to Germany or France. A citizen's passport allows for travel throughout the EU, residency in any of the Schengen Agreement countries for an unlimited time, establishment of businesses, pursuit of education, employment opportunities, and enjoying all the benefits available to native residents.

Statistics on the popularity of Danish citizenship from 2020 to 2024 (with forecast until 2026)
Statistics on the popularity of Danish citizenship from 2020 to 2024 (with forecast until 2026)
This is interesting

The country takes care of it's citizens and is ideal for young families, retirees, and other categories of foreigners. However, Denmark may not offer the most favorable conditions for businessmen due to high taxes.

Ways to obtain citizenship

According to the "Citizenship Act," several categories of foreigners can obtain Danish citizenship. Currently, the following methods are available to become a full-fledged citizen:


To obtain citizenship through naturalization, one must first obtain a residence permit and permanent residence. After residing in the country legally for 9 years, one can apply for citizenship.

Marriage to a citizen of the country.

Marriage to a Danish citizen allows for eligibility to apply for citizenship after continuous residence in the country for 8 years on legal grounds. The family must live together, and each member must have at least 20m2 of living space. The accommodation can be rented or owned. Authorities closely monitor such families, and if there are signs of a sham marriage, the foreign spouse may be denied citizenship and may even face deportation with a ban on entry into the European Union territory.

By birth and adoption.

Individuals with one parent who is a Danish citizen automatically receive citizenship. Additionally, children under 12 who are adopted by citizens of the country can also obtain citizenship.


Consideration of an application to grant citizenship to a person takes 17-22 months. The decision is announced only 2 times a year - in April and October. It is impossible to obtain information about what stage the application is being considered.

If the decision is positive, the applicant receives an invitation by mail to the “Constitution Ceremony,” which takes place in the municipality at the person’s place of registration.


Attendance at the ceremony is mandatory. On it, the foreigner must sign a document confirming his intention to comply with the Constitution of the state. At the ceremony, the applicant is presented with a certificate of citizenship status.

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