Citizenship of Chile

To qualify for the citizenship of Chile in 2024, a foreigner must obtain permanent residence through the appropriate type of visa and reside continuously in the country for at least 5 years. Additionally, the applicant must prove the absence of criminal records, demonstrate a sufficient level of Spanish language proficiency, and provide a detailed dossier (including a background check).

The main difference between the status of a permanent resident and that of a citizen is that in the former case, if one leaves the Republic for a year, the visa status is annulled. As a citizen, such problems do not exist. A Chilean passport allows one to enjoy all the country's privileges, including the right to vote and work in government institutions.

A foreigner may submit an application if he/she meets the following criteria:

  • Proof of permanent residence in the country for at least a specified period.
  • Age of majority.
  • Eligibility for permanent residence.
  • No criminal record.
  • Sources of income.

Even if all requirements are met, the decision to grant status remains an exceptional decision of the Republic's government. The request may be denied in case of violation of local laws or a threat to national security.

Ways to Obtain Citizenship

According to Article 10 of Chapter II of the Constitution of Chile, a foreign citizen has the opportunity to obtain the corresponding status in one of three ways. After fulfilling the mandatory requirements, preparing the dossier, and paying the state fees, the applicant must submit an application for citizenship to the National Migration Service of the Chilean government.

All provided programs are suitable, provided the established requirements are met.

By the right of the soil (Jus soli)

Every person born on the territory of a country acquires the right to become a citizen at birth. To utilize the birthright citizenship program, it is necessary to provide documents that confirm the fact of birth in Chile (birth certificate, including for parents).

Children of foreigners with temporary residence permits are an exception. Therefore, when planning to give birth in Chile to obtain citizenship, it is necessary to arrange for permanent residency in advance. Only in this case, two years after the child's birth, the foreign parents have the right to submit the appropriate petition.

By right of blood (Jus sanguinis)

The program allows for the acquisition of citizenship based on family ties to Chile. The basis is the right to family reunification through official recognition as a citizen, even if born abroad.

A foreign citizen who is a relative of a Chilean citizen up to the second degree of kinship (parents, grandparents) can take advantage of this right. Adopted children of Chileans and children who have lost their citizenship status are also eligible to participate in the program.

The procedure involves providing irrefutable evidence of Chilean ancestry. Depending on the situation, the process can be quite complex and may vary based on individual circumstances.


This method allows foreigners to acquire citizenship by meeting the requirements for a minimum period of residence and proving integration into the country's life. The detailed conditions for naturalization are outlined in the Constitution, Civil Code, and Immigration Law.

The legal requirements for the naturalization process include:

  • The applicant must be of legal age.
  • A valid residence permit.
  • A minimum period of permanent residence – at least 5 years (2 years in exceptional cases).
  • A formal marriage to a Chilean citizen.
  • Age under 18 and having at least one parent with recognized refugee status.

In addition to the basic requirements for applicants, the Chilean government imposes additional conditions. For example, proof of financial stability will be required. Practice shows that having a stable income in the country can become one of the key factors in the Chilean authorities' decision to approve the application.

The processing time for a citizenship application through naturalization can take up to 3 years. The speed of the application process will be influenced by the completeness of the submitted dossier and the workload of government agencies.

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