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Passport of Canada

When choosing a location for immigration, many people consider Canada. The reputation of the Canadian passport attracts third-country nationals and not only. In the ranking, it ranks 8th. Its holders are free to travel to 118 visa-free countries. Since 2023, Canada has begun issuing new samples for a period of 10 years. On the dark blue cover of the national identity document, the golden coat of arms of the British Queen and the outlines of maple leaves are highlighted.

Interesting fact

Illustrations on the pages for seals with landscapes of nature personify the 4 seasons. Under ultraviolet light, they gain different shades. A diffraction optical image is plotted on the identity tab. Dates appear and disappear depending on the angle. The authenticity of the document is confirmed by a visible chip. To possess this document, you need to come to the country, naturalize and fulfill a number of conditions.

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How to get a Canadian passport

The country of maple leaves in North America has a huge territory. The regions need working hands, qualified specialists. This explains why every fourth is an immigrant. The low population density per 1 m 2 forces the authorities to attract foreigners and create loyal programs. Each program contains requirements for education, profession, qualifications, level of English and French proficiency.

Methods to obtain the Canadian passport:

  1. Origin. Children of residents receive inheritance status regardless of their place of birth.
  2. Marriage. Registration of relations does not serve as a reason for promptly obtaining a passport, but reduces the time and simplifies the procedure. After 3 years, the second spouse receives a document with the golden coat of arms.
  3. Sponsorship. Participation in sponsorship programs allows wealthy people with families to receive permanent residence in exchange for attracting 2 million CAD (Canadian $) to the economy. Temporary residence visa in 3 years opens the way to citizenship.
  4. Naturalization. This is the most popular method. Cosmopolitans live in the country for 3 years under a residence permit. During this period, they master the language, integrate into society, take a linguistic exam in the immigration department, and become permanent residents.
  5. Business immigration. The authorities are interested in opening startups and developing entrepreneurship. They invite merchants to participate in regional programs under certain conditions. Specialists/ investors are immediately granted temporary residence (TRV) for the period of naturalization. It gives the right to become a full-fledged citizen in 2 years. 

How to receive a Canadian passport?

The law of the country does not prohibit dual citizenship. Foreigners can apply for Canadian citizenship through permanent residence without giving up the first one. But, before that is the registration process for Express Entry, creation of an account, filling in a standardized form and uploading documents. After verification, the consul issues the immigrant visa. Upon arrival in the country, there is a permanent residence that equates foreigners with Canadians in rights. They can choose their place of work and study, and take out a mortgage.

Foreigners have a right to apply provided that they stay in the territory for 1,095 days in 5 years.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Generate a file on the list depending on the basis and send it for consideration.
  2. Pay fees, pass the interview with an official. The interview is mandatory for applicants from 18 to 54 years old. 
  3. After 6 months, obtain a certificate of citizenship and take the oath.
  4. Contact the Service Center or passport office with an application for a passport.

Citizenship of Canada Act

When granting status, the authorities are guided by the RSC Act 1985. It lists the basic rules and rights. Foreigners who have lived for a maximum of 3 years out of 5 under Permanent Resident can get it. Candidates without qualifications, knowledge of the state language, are not assigned a deposit in a bank.


The law is periodically supplemented. By the end of 2024, the authorities plan to adopt amendments regarding the first generation (FGL). Heirs of Canadians born abroad will now qualify for feliation by birthright. It also removes injustice to “lost Canadians” who have lost their civil rights for various reasons.

Documents for the passport

For personal submission of papers, applicants are registered on the portal of the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. In the section, you can find instructions for filling out the forms. First, the file is collected by checking the list on the Canadian embassy's website.

Basic documents:

  • biometric passport; 
  • certified copies of all pages;
  • Permanent Resident;
  • income statement;
  • diploma; 
  • tax return for entrepreneurs;
  • lease agreement;
  • linguistic certificate;
  • police clearance certificate;
  • form CIT 0407 to confirm presence in the country/ utility checks;
  • receipt with payment of state duty.

To obtain Canadian citizenship, a labour immigrant needs a contract or a letter from an employer. The package of documents for registration of status for investments differs in content. The main package is accompanied by payment checks, confirmation of the sources of capital. Earned, inherited and donated assets are suitable for payment.

How long does it take to get a passport

Business immigrants attach qualification certificates and certificates confirming the relevant experience. The estimated deadline for receipt is 17 months. It includes the processing of the file, the interview and the oath ceremony. With a passport in hand, citizens can count on social benefits, consular protection, as well as choose which countries to go on vacation without a visa.

How much does a Canadian passport cost

In 2014, closed federal programs were replaced by regional ones. Applicants can participate in one of the 3: IE, Quebec entrepreneur, investor. After passing the selection, they receive a Quebec Selection certificate and move to the country.

Doing business in Montreal requires a deposit of C$500,000. Of these, C$300,000 is spent on investments, and C$200,000 is left as a refundable deposit. For doing business outside the metropolis, the amount is C$400,000. Foreigners can take a loan for C$350. After 5 years, the invested funds are returned, but without interest.

The startup visa offers to raise C$200,000 from a venture fund or C$75,000 from private sponsors. The most expensive program is the QIIP investor. It involves people with capital from C$2 million with managerial experience. Through a broker or a trust firm, they deposit capital under guarantees for 5 years.

Other expenses in C$:

  • fees for adult applicants: C$530 for application processing and 100 for citizenship;
  • the cost of a permanent residence card is C$530;
  • duty for investors – C$15,235;
  • certificate of naturalization – C$100;
  • passport form – C$149;
  • biometrics per family – C$170;
  • adult passport – C$115, children – C$75.

When applying through Express Entry, the state fee for adults in 2023 was C$850, for minors – C$230. The immigrant visa cost C$515, but the children were given free of charge. To choose the optimal immigration route and collect documents, it is better to involve a specialist dealing with the problems of foreigners. For financial remuneration under the contract, the specialist will resolve all procedural issues.

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