Currently, more and more people are aiming to obtain Argentine citizenship, attracted by its rich culture, picturesque landscapes, and economic opportunities. The process of obtaining an Argentine passport is relatively straightforward, and the country is considered liberal, as any form of discrimination is legally prohibited.

Ways to Obtain Citizenship
Argentine citizenship can be obtained by birthright, by descent, and through family reunification. One of the most common ways to acquire an Argentine passport, however, is through naturalization.
By Descent
To obtain citizenship by descent, a foreigner must have at least one Argentine parent. Candidates will need to provide their own birth certificate and that of their parent.
To be eligible for naturalization, one must reside in Argentina for a specified period. The time required for citizenship in this case may vary depending on factors like legal status and time restrictions. The standard period is 2 years. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate integration into Argentine society by showing proficiency in Spanish and knowledge of the country's political, cultural, and social aspects.
By Birthright
In Argentina, a "right of soil" principle applies, meaning any child born within the country's borders automatically becomes a citizen (with the exception of children of consuls and diplomats). Additionally, parents may qualify for an expedited passport process.
Advantages of Argentine Citizenship
Argentina’s passport currently holds the 11th position out of 97 in mobility ranking. The country has strong laws that protect the rights of religious, sexual, and ethnic minorities. Argentine citizenship provides the right to live and work in the country without restrictions, as well as to participate in elections and political activities.
An Argentine passport also grants its holders these privileges:
- Visa-free access to over 160 countries, including EU nations and the Schengen Area;
- A 90-day stay within EU countries every six months;
- Eligibility for a simplified U.S. visa process (for tourism and business) valid for 10 years;
- The ability to pass on citizenship to children;
- Access to social benefits and assistance programs.
Dual Citizenship
Argentina permits dual citizenship, so a foreigner does not need to renounce their first citizenship. However, holders of an Argentine passport who are also citizens of another country are recognized as Argentine citizens only while within Argentina.
Citizenship by Investment Program
Argentina does not have a Citizenship by Investment program, but foreign investors can obtain a residence permit and then apply for a passport after two years of living in the country.
The law requires an investment of at least 1,500,000 Argentine pesos (approximately $20,000). Investment should be made in a local business or in productive or commercial ventures that are of interest to the country.
Which applicants have a higher chance of approval:
- Wealthy investors with more than $1,000,000 in assets (approval is fast-tracked);
- leaders in their field with an impressive track record of achievements;
- Individuals who have expanded their business in Argentina.
A developed business plan or investment proposal must be approved before obtaining residency. The tax residency status will determine the tax rate and where the tax will be paid.
Recent reforms of the citizenship program
Spouses of Argentine citizens now receive their identity cards on an expedited basis. To apply for a passport, a foreigner no longer needs to reside in the country for two years. This rule also applies to same-sex marriages, which have been legalized in the country since 2010.
Step-by-Step Application Process
Relatives or the spouse of the applicant can apply for Argentine citizenship. However, several important requirements must be met. The applicant must have a good command of the Spanish language, be familiar with the norms of the Argentine Constitution (which implies taking an exam), have an official employment contract, a stable income, and open a bank account in a local bank.
Document collection and application submission
The procedure for obtaining citizenship through naturalization consists of the following stages:
Argentina has an internal ID called DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad). It gives the right to legally reside in the country. Argentine college students, cohabitants of Argentine residents, and refugees can obtain a residence permit. The status of a rentier and a work contract also provide an opportunity to obtain a residence permit.
After two years of residence in the country under the residence permit, it will be necessary to collect the necessary documents and send them to the relevant authorities.
The verification of documented information regarding the history of residence in the country and others is being conducted.
After successful completion of all formalities, a written notification will be sent to the applicant.
List of Documents
Applicants for citizenship will need to place an announcement in a local newspaper and provide the documents from the list below, along with copies.
Required documents:
- previously obtained DNI;
- proof of registration at the place of residence;
- birth certificate;
- income certificate from the workplace, tax payment certificate for self-employed individuals (unemployed applicants should provide a document showing the spouse's income);
- certificate of no criminal record (must be issued by the country where the applicant is a resident at the time of application);
- document confirming successful completion of the exam on knowledge of the national language and laws of the country.
Some applicants will need to include a marriage certificate with the standard set of documents. All documents must be apostilled, but not translated. They must be submitted in person to the immigration office.
Consideration and decision
You will have to pay a fee of 26,300 pesos and fill in the Radex application form. After a favourable response, a date will be set for the swearing-in and the receipt of the Argentine passport.
The identity card is issued for 10 years. After 5 years it can be renewed in any consulate of Argentina abroad. But it is worth considering that in order to obtain a new passport for 10 years, you will have to visit the relevant institution directly in Argentina.
Disadvantages of Argentine citizenship for investment
Obtaining citizenship in Argentina for investment is considered the most difficult way to obtain a passport. The disadvantages of this method include:
- Impossibility of obtaining a residence permit for investment. The applicant is issued only a residence permit.
- Duration of the process. Documents are quite difficult to submit, because the secretaries at the stage of verification simply do not accept them, asking to make all new corrections.
- High cost. Despite the relatively low threshold, practice shows that applications from wealthy investors with assets are mostly approved.
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